dissimilar metals on pipes

Corrosion Control for Small Water Systems

Tue Jun 18, 2024 @ 11:00 - 12:30 (PDT)
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Corrosion Control for Small Water Systems

Managing corrosion, scaling and related water quality issues can be very complicated for small water systems operations.  In this webinar, we will discuss the chemistry of corrosion and scaling, health and aesthetic related water quality issues, corrosion control treatment methods and operations of the control processes.

Anthony Greville
Anthony S. Greville was educated at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, graduating with a degree in chemistry in 1979. Mr. Greville has been active in the water treatment business in western North America since 1982. In 2020, the British Columbia Water and Waste Association selected Anthony to be the recipient of the prestigious Excellence and Innovation in the Water and Waste Industry Award. More recently, Anthony is a sessional teaching professor at Thompson Rivers University in the School of Trades and Technology, delivering courses in the Water and Wastewater Technology program. Since 1996, Anthony has continued to be a leader in developing coagulation and flocculation theory and technical support. Innovation and process optimization, with a focus on the chemistry of water and the various mechanical treatment options, including residuals handling, at all plants, large and small, has been a cornerstone of Anthony’s success and reputation.