Reliable and Resilient Water Systems, an Operator's Perspective

Tue Jun 17, 2025
11:00 - 12:30 (PDT)
Reliable and Resilient Water Systems

According to the USEPA: “Water resilience refers to the ability of water and wastewater utilities to withstand and quickly recover from natural and human-made disasters. Increasing resilience at your utility will help safeguard access to safe drinking water…

Running a reliable water system is a dynamic and ever changing operation. Nick Olson will discuss the environmental challenges, process maintenance, and stakeholder relationships from an operator’s perspective.

Nick Olson
Nick is an employee in the Campbell River Water department and holds certifications in Water Treatment level 1 and Water Distribution level 3. His background includes fire protection, pulp mill operations, pipe fitting and water process. He is also a student in the Open Learning Thompson Rivers University, Certificate in Water Treatment Operations program.